Staff from the Stevenage schools visited partner schools in Nepal at the start of the 2019/20 academic year, with the week-long activities being planned and delivered by Dr Christie.
The Stevenage teachers’ visit to Nepal and the aims of the project were shared in the local newspaper.
One of the focus areas for the Nepali schools was reducing inequalities. This inspired some schools in the cluster to explore Gender Equality through Citizenship in their collaborative projects, by looking at how gender roles and expectations influence identity and rights. The aim was to inspire pupils to question norms and encourage gender equality. The work undertaken by The Leys was captured by the British Council in a case study booklet.
In early 2020, Professor Douglas Bourn, Co-Director of the Development Education Research Centre at the Institute of Education, University College London contacted Dr Christie to better understand the collaborative work of the Stevenage-Nepal cluster. This was subsequently published as a case study in ‘Developing effective learning in Nepal: Insights into school leadership, teaching methods and curriculum.’ [pages 34 – 37].