The Board of Governors

Our board of governors works hard to ensure that the needs of our community are met. They work with the headteacher and other teaching staff to ensure that the best possible education is being provided, they provide their expertise and resources to help benefit the community and they visit the school regularly to meet pupils and hear their views.

Ofsted have praised the work of our governors, saying:

Governance is a strength of the school. Governors work hard and have high ambitions for the school. They undertake regular monitoring activities, as well as evaluating a range of other evidence, including internal and external reports, in order to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of the school. As a result, they are clear about achievements to date and the areas that require further development. They are supportive and challenging in equal measure. (2018)

At present, our board of governors consists of:

  • The headteacher, who works closely with, and is the primary channel between, our governors and the rest of our community

  • 6 Co-opted governors who have been asked to contribute their knowledge and experience in a variety of fields to help better our school

  • 2 Parent Governors, who have been elected by the parents to represent their interests to the board and speak on all of their behalf about the direction that our school should take

  • 1 Local Authority governor who has been selected to represent the the interests of Hertfordshire’s education authority

  • 1 Staff governor, who has been elected by colleagues to represent their interests to the board

Governors Register of Interests

The Leys Governing Body opts out of sharing personal data, including data on any of the protected characteristics from the Equality Act 2010.

The protected characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Governor's Golden Table Award December 2024

Pupils enjoyed their very own winter wonderland, complete with festive treats and exciting games (Thank you, Mrs Davies)

Governor's Golden Table Award December 2023

This term, class teachers select one pupil per class who have demonstrated and followed the school values; Inclusivity and Empathy. These pupils were all rewarded with a Christmas  special lunch with Governors and Senior leaders.

Governor's Golden Table Award July 2023

Each term, class teachers select one pupil per class who have demonstrated and followed the school values. These pupils are all rewarded with a special lunch with Governors and Senior leaders.

Meet our Governors

Marina Stone - Chair of Governing Body

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 29.01.23 - 28.11.27
Current membership and responsibilities:
Chair of Governors, School Improvement Committee, Safeguarding, SEND
Register of Interest: Governor at Ashtree School

I am a mother of eight, four of whom attend The Leys. I chaired the PTA for two years and played a part in establishing it in the 18 months prior to this. I currently volunteer on the maternity ward at the local hospital and have been doing this for the past ten years. I also hold a governor position at another primary school in the town. In my spare time I enjoy exploring all manner of places with my young family, caves and mines area big favourite! I also enjoy learning and can always be found training or completing courses of some variety or learning languages. I believe the education children receive at primary level sets the foundations for the rest of their lives and that all children have the right to an outstanding education.

Barry Hack - Co-Opted

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 28.02.23 - 27.02.27
Current membership and responsibilities:
School Improvement Committee
Register of Interest: Daughter works at Pilgrims Way Pre-School, within the school grounds

I have been a School Governor at The Leys for more than 12 years now. I live locally in Ripon Road, my wife is a Teaching Assistant at the school and all three of my daughters were pupils there, from nursery to Year 6 and I am very proud of their schooling and results. I have a strong belief that Early Years and Primary School are where the children develop their learning ethos for the rest of their lives. If we can help to give them a good start in life then that will usually continue through to adulthood and beyond. I work locally in the advanced electronics industry which gives me a passion for ICT, science and mathematics in particular. I regularly travel overseas for work and coupled with my interest in robots, provide some interesting shows and presentations for the children..

Phil Bibby - Local Authority - Vice-Chair

Category of Governor: Local Authority
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 26.09.24 - 25.09.28
Current membership and responsibilities:
Chair of Resources Committee, Link Governor for Pupil Premium, English and Children Looked After
Register of Interest:

I retired as a Bank Manager in 2006 and, since then, have been working for the community, particularly St Nicholas, where I have lived since 1998. I am the County Councillor for St Nicholas, and a Borough Councillor for Woodfield. I have been delighted to have been a Governor for The Leys for 13 years, getting involved at a senior level with key aspects of school improvement and development.

Davinder Khangura - Ex-Officio

Category of Governor: Ex-Officio
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: From 19.05.23
Current membership and responsibilities:
Headteacher of the Leys Primary and Nursery School
Register of Interest: Staff

I have been teaching for over 20 years across various schools, both within and outside the county. I am deeply passionate about improving the life chances and aspirations of children as they transition from primary school to the next stage of their educational journey.Throughout my career, I have held roles such as Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, and now Headteacher at The Leys Primary School. In addition, I serve as the Designated Safeguarding Person. A significant part of these roles involves reporting to governors on safeguarding, progress, and attainment matters. Joining the Governing Body as an Assistant Headteacher was a natural progression, as it fosters an ongoing dialogue and ensures governors can provide appropriate challenges when necessary.Our foremost priority is to ensure all pupils are safe and inspired to achieve their highest potential. This commitment is at the heart of our Governing Body meetings. I genuinely value the unique oversight of the school that being a governor provides, as well as the opportunity to contribute positively to key decisions and discussions. The professional development I gained from my role in the Governing Body is invaluable.The Governing Body, along with the entire staff, is united in striving for the best outcomes for our children. Outside of school, my time is joyfully occupied by my two young sons.

Seeta Patel - Parent Governor

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 27.11.24 - 26.11.28
Current membership and responsibilities:
Register of Interest: None

As a parent of twins in Year 4, I have a continued interest in The Leys. Education is very close to my heart and as schools strive to meet narrow government targets, important aspects of our children’s education can be neglected. Due to this, I am especially keen to help by being a parent governor. I come from a Mathematical background and work in Finance for which I believe this and my passion for education, I will be able to contribute to making a difference to our wonderful school.

Maslline Katiyo - Parent Governor

Category of Governor: Parent
Appointing Body: Parent / Carers
Term of Office:
Current membership and responsibilities: Resources Committee, SEND and French
Register of Interest: None

I am a parent with 2 girls in reception and year 4. The Leys, we have had an amazing experience. Schools strive to help children with additional needs in the best way they can under tight resources, sometimes it’s challenging to bridge this gap with carers hence I am keen to become a Parent Governor. I come from an accounting and administration background, and work at a local mental hospital. My interests are mental health and safeguarding. I believe every child has the right to be heard, nurtured, and protected. I believe my skills and experience will make a positive difference in the decision making as we thrive to make the school better for our current and future pupils.

Adam Richardson - Parent Governor

Category of Governor: Parent
Appointing Body: Parent / Carers
Term of Office:  31.10.22 - 30.10.26
Current membership and responsibilities:
Register of Interest: None

I have one daughter currently in the school and another who has recently moved on to secondary school. I’m former pupil of the Leys, this combined with my children’s experience has led me to have a strong interest in helping the school to help its pupils to achieve their potential. My background is in service improvement, I’ve worked within Local Authorities, Children’s Services and Youth Services supporting service delivery in the face of funding cuts. I’m currently working in a University Digital department working to deliver improvements to help our students to succeed in their studies.Through my skills and experience I hope I can make a positive impact to support decision making within the school as it makes decisions in a challenging climate. In my spare time I volunteer with a local scout group.

Marie Doherty - Co-Opted

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.09.22 -
Current membership and responsibilities:

Register of Interest: Staff

I have been a teacher for 17 years and have worked at the Leys for the last 7. I have previously worked in a variety of schools both in the Uk and abroad. I am currently working as an Assistant Head at the Leys as well as Pupil Premium Lead and Key Stage 1 Leader. I have enjoyed becoming a Governor as it has provided me with a new perspective on the management of schools and provided me with another opportunity to work towards the best future for the children at The Leys.

Sally Clibbon - Staff

Category of Governor: Staff
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.09.22 -
Current membership and responsibilities:

Register of Interest: Staff

I have lived in Stevenage for  22 years, have worked in several schools throughout the town and been at The Leys for 15 years. My role involves pastoral support including support for wellbeing and mental health. I am primarily involved in the safeguarding of children in the school. I am committed to providing a high quality environment at The Leys where every child can thrive and feel that my role as a governor can support this aim.

Mark Freeman - Co-Opted

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.09.22 -
Current membership and responsibilities:

Register of Interest: None

I have lived in Stevenage for just over 40 years. Spent my working life in Banking and was asked if I would like to become a Governor by a Family Member who was a Teacher's Assistant. Hopefully I can help the School with my life experiences to move forward in the positive way it already does to help the Children achieve their Life goals."

Hayley Sherwood - Co-Opted

Category of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: 17.07.19 - to date
Current membership and responsibilities:
School Improvement Committee, PSHE, Mental Health, Early Years

Register of Interest: 1decision (Supplier of resources for the subject of PSHE/Safeguarding/Personal Development)

As a proud former pupil of The Leys, I am committed to giving back to the school by contributing my expertise to its continued success. Over the past decade, I have been actively involved in education through diverse roles, including managing alternative provisions for disengaged pupils and developing comprehensive PSHE resource suites for primary schools across the UK. I am deeply passionate about safeguarding children and promoting their well-being at every opportunity. I am excited to bring my experience and dedication to support the ongoing growth and excellence of The Leys.

Governor Attendance

Our governors meet as a whole group twice a term. This is known as a Full Governing Body meeting (FGB for short) and is a chance for them to hear about how the school is doing as well as discuss the issues that face the school community. They then take actions to address these issues such as accepting policies and planning governor-related events.

Below is a record of the attendance of governors at Full Governing Body meetings this year:

Governor Committees & Link Roles

As well as meeting together as a full group, our governors work together in smaller groups called committees that look at and work on a particular part of school life. Some committees meet regularly, such as the School Improvement Committee and Resources Committee, while some meet only when they are needed, such as the Exclusions Committee and the Complaints Committee. 

Each governor also has a link responsibility. This is a part of school life that they are responsible for staying in touch with and then letting the rest of the governors know how that part of school life is going.

Below are tables that show the different committees, who their members are and what link roles different governors have:

Pay Personnel and Appraisal Committee
Resource Committee
Anne-Marie Fonseca, SBM - in attendance

Resources Committee
Phil Bibby (Chair)
Davinder Khangura
Mark Freeman
Sally Clibbon
Maslline Katiyo
Marie Doherty

School Improvement Committee
Hayley Sherwood (Chair)
Barry Hack
Mel Stone
Marie Doherty
Davinder Khangura
Adam Richardson (Chair)

Panel Pools
Headteacher's Performance Management -
Phil Bibby, Mel Stone, Mark Freeman, Adam Richardson, Barry Hack
Complaints -
Phil Bibby, Mel Stone, Hayley Sherwood, Barry Hack, Mark Freeman, Adam Richardson, Maslline Katiyo
Staff Disciplinary -
Mel Stone, Phil Bibby, Barry Hack, Hayley Sherwood, Mark Freeman, Adam Richardson
Exclusions -
Mel Stone, Hayley Sherwood, Barry Hack, Phil Bibby, Mark Freeman, Adam Richardson

Link Roles
Safeguarding - Mel Stone/Adam Richardson
Health & Safety - Mark Freeman
PSHE/SRE - Hayley Sherwood
Mental Health & Wellbeing - Hayley Sherwood
SEND - Mel Stone & Maslline Katiyo
IT & E-Safety - Adam Richardson & Barry Hack
RE - Mel Stone
Geography - Adam Richardson
History - Adam Richardson
English - Phil Bibby
Maths - Mel Stone
Science - Barry Hack
PE & Sports Funding - Mark Freeman
MFL - Maslline Katiyo
Pupil Premium - Phil Bibby
Sports Premium - Mark Freeman
CLA - Phil Bibby
EYFS - Hayley Sherwood
Training - Mel Stone
Website - Davinder Khangura
Visits - Marie Doherty

The Leys Primary & Nursery School

Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QZ.
01438 314148

Copyright © 2023 - The Leys Primary & Nursery School
Headteacher:  Mrs D Khangura
Chair of Governors:  Mrs Marina Stone