What we have been learning
Spring 1
This half term in Reception our topic has been ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’ where we learned all about transport. In Literacy we looked at the stories ‘I Wish I Were a Pilot’, which talks about many different modes of transport, such as a race car and submarine and ‘The Train Ride’, all about what a little girl sees out the window in the train to her grandma’s. As well as a poem about transport. The children learn to tell the stories along with sign language. In maths the children have learnt about understanding 0, comparing numbers to 5, composition of 4 and 5 and looking at 6, 7 and 8. We often use counters, numicon and cubes to help gain a clearer understanding. They have also looked at comparing mass and capacity as well as making pairs. Reception also had a visit from the Fire Service who gave the children a talk about fire safety and showed them the kit they wear. As well as showing the children the fire engine and letting them have a go at using the hose.
Autumn 2
This half term the children have been continuing to settle into Reception but we have also enjoyed a lot of different activities including STEAM week all about ‘How fast can you go’, a visit from HSBC, our Nursery rhyme day when everyone dressed up as a Nursery rhyme character, our Christmas activity morning with Nursery and our Christmas play performances.
In Literacy this half term we have learnt some traditional tales including ‘The Gingerbread Man’, ‘The Little Red Hen’ and ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We also looked at the story ‘The Christmas Wish’ as part of the school ‘Take one book’.
In Maths we have looked at comparing numbers 1, 2 and 3, the composition of 1, 2 and 3, the 2D shapes circles and triangles, positional language and looking at the numbers 4 and 5.
It was a very busy half term with all of our Chritmas play rehearsals and we hope that you all enjoyed coming to watch our performances!
Autumn 1
This half term the children have been settling into their new classes, getting to know their new teachers, teaching assistants and friends and learning the new routines. The children have done a fantastic job of settling in and exploring the classroom and all of the activities available during their CIL.
In Literacy this half term we have learnt stories from their class authors- ‘Peace at Last’ and ‘Meltdown in Murphy class and ‘My two Grandads’ and ‘My two Grandmas’ in Benjamin class. We have also learnt the story ‘Owl Babies’. We then learnt the poems ‘All about me’, ‘Parts of my body’ and ‘Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow’.
In Maths we have looked at matching, sortin by colour and size, comparing amounts using ‘more’ and ‘fewer’, comparing size, repeating patterns and subitizing numbers to 3.
It was a very busy first half term and we are so proud of what the children have achieved!