Home Learning

How to support Home Learning


Follow this guidance to help to create a positive learning environment at home:

Be realistic about what you can do

Keep to a timetable wherever possible

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Google Classroom

Parents Guide to Google Classroom

As you’ll be aware, under the current circumstances relating to COVID-19, staff at The Leys have been preparing resources for home learning opportunities. We consider it to be vital, for both academic and mental health needs, that all children have the opportunity to access learning when at home for a sustained period.

To that end, we have set up a Google Classroom for each class and will be providing all pupils from Years 1-6 with a login. Some ​pupils have been shown how to access their Google Classroom and below is further information for you regarding access.

Google Classroom is a free and secure learning network for teachers, pupils and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information. Using Google Classroom allows you and your child to have access to work at any time through the Internet and is accessible online and through any mobile devices with Internet capabilities—including iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Additionally, the use of Classroom will help keep pupils and parents informed of work to complete.

There is an option for pupils to message each other, however we strongly advise against this and request that you use the platform purely for accessing learning and communicating with the class teacher.

We would like all pupils to make contact with their class teacher within the next two weeks and use it as a platform to communicate and stay in touch with their class teacher and pupils. Pupils may want to use the opportunity to ask questions about work that has been set.

At a later date, teachers may set some tasks for pupils to complete with no time restrictions.Pupils in Reception classes will have home-learning set through Tapestry, as normal.

For further information see our
Parents Guide to Google Classroom pdf

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February 2021

The Leys Primary & Nursery School

Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QZ.
01438 314148

Copyright © 2022 - The Leys Primary & Nursery School
Headteacher:  Mrs D Khangura
Chair of Governors:  Mrs Marina Stone