The Leys Primary & Nursery School is an inclusive community that supports and welcomes pupils with medical conditions. We aim to provide these pupils the same opportunities as others at the school.
On admission to the school you are asked to complete an emergency contact form. This form also requests information about any medical conditions your child may have. It is important that this record is kept up to date and that you provide us with as much information as possible about any conditions which may affect the well-being of your child.
Diabetes School Award
The school was very proud to become one of the first of 19 recipients of the Diabetes UK charity's Good Diabetes Care in School Award, which is open to all schools in the UK. The schools were chosen by an assessment panel, which includes parents and representatives from Diabetes UK. We were presented with the award during an assembly on 16/12/2017.
The award is to acknowledge those schools that have worked really closely with pupils, school staff and parents to ensure that children and young people with Type 1 diabetes in their school have the same opportunities as their peers without the condition. This ensures children with the condition are able to fully participate in their education and so reach their full academic potential.
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school please telephone us before 08:50.m. If your child is taken ill during the day we will contact you to make arrangements for your child to go home.
First Aid
If your child sustains a minor injury at school we will administer first aid. If your child has a head injury we will inform you by text, send a bumped head letter home and your child will be given a bumped head sticker. In the event of a serious injury both the emergency services and parents will be contacted.
If your child needs medication during the day we require you to complete a form at the office. Staff will only administer medication that is prescribed and essential; that is where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to collect the medication from the school office at the end of the day.
If your child suffers from asthma we require you to complete an asthma card (available at the office). This card helps us to know the instructions for administering the medication to each child. The card will be kept in the classroom along with your child’s inhaler. Please ensure that you provide the school with an inhaler that has been prescribed to your child, in its original box and clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school keeps emergency salbutamol inhalers which can only be used if the pupils prescribed inhaler is not available and if we have written parental consent for the use of an emergency inhaler. Consent forms are available from the school office.
If your child suffers from an allergy please let us know. We have a number of children in school with severe nut allergies; therefore we are a nut free school and ask that no food containing nuts is brought into school.
Individual Health Care Plans
Individual Health Care Plans will be created for those children with more complex medical needs; such as diabetes or anaphylaxis. The IHCP is a written agreement with parents and in some cases the school nurse, who identify the necessary safety measures that need to be put into place to support pupils with medical needs and ensure they are not at risk. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to inform the school of any medical needs to ensure a care plan is completed as soon as it is needed and to also inform us if the care plan needs to be updated.
It is essential that you keep us updated of any changes to your contact details.