PE & Sport at The Leys

"Whatever you want to follow as your passion, it’s about having the right mental attitude, having the right focus, following your dream and never wavering from it." Ian Poulter

National Curriculum Aims

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

Here at The Leys we use the power of sport to further promote and develop the children's personal and social growth.

We ensure that physical, personal and social progress is at the heart of our high quality provision.  

PE is delivered by a number of different teachers across the school, however Mr Newlands and myself (specialists) provided the majority of the pupils' provision throughout the week.  The teaching topics are arranged so that they are taught by teachers with past and present experience.  All our swimming provision is provided by Stevenage Swimming Pool and their qualified and experienced instructors.

We have used PE as a tool to embed the importance of positive healthy well-being and the benefits of leading this lifestyle.   

We offer all our pupils a broad diverse PE curriculum that offers all pupils the opportunity to shine and flourish.  Through our whole school PE curriculum we have ensured that all subject content for both KS1 and KS2 has been met and provides greater opportunities to enrich all our pupils' education and beyond. 

All pupils access 2 hours of high quality provision each week.  This is supported by PE Passport, a fantastic scheme that provides great support for non-specialist teachers.

We have a whole school approach to our active umbrella initiative.  This active umbrella approach includes our daily mile, active maths/English, outdoor adventurous activities (Year 6 residential, orienteering on site), active PE bags to support movement breaks, extra curricular clubs and competitions through Stevenage Sporting Futures and local providers.

In Year 6 we have Sports Ambassadors and House Captains, who act as role models, develop leadership skills and support younger children at lunchtime and on whole school sports events to develop positive values in sport.

Our Year 6 pupils each year visit Manor Adventure for a week of incredible outdoor activities and team building exercises.  This week provides our pupils with lifelong memories.  

Our year 4 pupils visit Wymondley Wood each year and do an overnight stay.  This trip is to help build teamwork and develop outdoor adventurous skills along with personal and social development.  

Both our Manor Adventure and Wymondley Wood trips have an amazing impact and this is reflected in the pupils' PE work and also in other learning activities and environments.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our EYFS take part in PE every week with Mr Newlands.  The teaching and learning for our early years pupils is centred around their EYFS curriculum and the PE lessons are designed to develop all areas of the children's growth.  The EYFS have their own specific outdoor learning area which they use daily throughout the entire year.  This outdoor space allows all pupils to further develop their physical skills along with personal and social development. 

Subject Content
Key Stage 1

Pupils develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Pupils are taught to:

Subject Content
Key Stage 2

Pupils will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils are taught to:

Swimming and Water Safety

We provide swimming instruction in key stage 2 (year 4 all year). In particular, pupils are taught to: swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres and to use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke). Pupils perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

The children are awarded different certificates at the end of their swimming block to celebrate their achievements. We also provide our year 4 pupils with an additional online swimming safety program provided by Swim England. We are a registered Swim England School.

The expectation is that 75% of students should be able to swim 25 metres safely and effectively by the end of KS2.

Passion and power of sport is the drive behind our PE provision.

PE & Sport Vision and Curriculum Intent

Here at The Leys, we promote the power of sport and physical education. We see PE and Sport as a vital ingredient in ensuring all our pupils are physically and mentally healthy and competent. We do this by providing a vast and broad PE curriculum that is accessible to all our pupils regardless of their individual needs. We ensure that our PE curriculum covers all the National Curriculum Aims. We understand the importance of inclusion and accessibility and the positive impact that this has on our learners. We firmly believe this helps our pupils to achieve being successful learners and confident young individuals.

We want every child to be:

Our expectation is that every pupil will benefit from outstanding PE provision and be physically competent and confident through the planned, progressive curriculum and comprehensive extra-curricular opportunities.

We expect the values developed through PE and Sport to transfer into other areas of our pupil’s lives, from their academic achievement to attendance, behaviour and teamwork.

We understand the importance of physical competence levels and the importance of regular opportunities to participate and compete and this is at the forefront of our planning and preparation throughout the academic year.

Stevenage Community Clubs

At The Leys we value our children’s participation in a wide variety of sports activities and clubs outside of school hours.  We support this commitment by providing our own extra-curricular activities and opportunities.  We are committed to giving our pupils opportunities to participate in non-competitive and competitive events, festivals and fixtures.  These activities help to sustain young people's commitment to a healthy active lifestyle.  We love to see our children’s sporting achievements outside of school and celebrate these in our newsletter.  We often provide our interested families with local links, in particular to community football clubs.  

The link below will provide access to all the community clubs currently within Stevenage and covers a vast range of sports.  If you require further information or advice please speak with Mr Newlands.

Sport Stevenage Clubs

Documents to download

More Able

Lots of our pupils take part in out of school sporting activities including: swimming, dancing, gymnastics and football, click here to have a look on our more able page to see some of the awards they have received.

Pupil Voice

Year 3 & 4 Boccia Festival
Q: Did you enjoy the event?
A: Yes.
Q:  What did you most enjoy about the event?
A:  Competing for my school with my friends and almost winning !
Q:  Would you like to play Boccia again and why?
A:  Yes because it’s a fun and unique sport and also I want to play against my friends again !
Q:  What position did you finish in?
A:  2nd out of 7 schools.
KS1 Inspire Festival
Q: What did you enjoy most about today?
A: I enjoyed the kicking activity that we had to do.
Q:  What did you learn today?
A:  I learnt how to move side to side .
Q:  Would you want to participate in another school activity trip?
A:  Yes !!!
Q:  What could improve about your trip today?
A:  I would want to do more activities.
Year 6 - Pupil Voice - Autumn 2024
Q: Why is PE important?
A: Because we are active and it's really good for your health physically and mentally.
Q:  What are you currently learning in PE?
A:  Football and Hockey which are invasion games.
Q:  What is your favourite sports person and why?
A:  Lionel Messi because he is really cool, good at his sport and he is a role model.
Q:  What have you most enjoyed about PE this half term?
A:  The new fun topics, lessons within the topics because they are fun and exciting.
Year 5 - Pupil Voice - Autumn Term 2024
Q: Why is PE important
A: Because we do physical exercise and learn how to play sports.
Q:  What are you currently learning in PE?
A:  Netball and basketball which are invasion games.
Q:  Who is your favourite sports person and why??
A:  Saka because he’s an inspirational person and plays for the team I support (Arsenal).
Q:  What have you most enjoyed about PE this half term?
A:  More active time, more game scenarios.
Q:  What have you most enjoyed about PE this half term?
A:  That we get to play fun and exciting games within our lessons.
The Leys Primary & Nursery School

Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QZ.
01438 314148

Copyright © 2022 - The Leys Primary & Nursery School
Headteacher:  Mrs D Khangura
Chair of Governors:  Mrs Marina Stone