Design and Technology

"Design and technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products." James Dyson

Vision and aims

Design and Technology is an inspiring and practical subject. It encourages children to learn, to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team.

At The Ley’s we encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other subjects such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. The children are also given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present designs, its uses and its effectiveness and are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers. Every child is taught to select and use appropriate tools safely and effectively to make a product.

Throughout the D&T curriculum we ensure that the children develop the skills needed to be successful in whatever career they choose in the future. We want children to understand that no product is made perfectly the first time. It is about reflecting on the brief given and adapting and changing the design at every step.  This helps to build their resilience, confidence and problem solving skills.


At the Leys Primary School, all children have access to a well planned curriculum that has clear progression throughout the school and builds on the skills and previous learning of the children. In The Leys Primary School, we deliver lessons that follow the review, design, make and evaluate process. This gives children the opportunity to explore current and previous product designs before going on to create their own designs and ideas. 
As the children progress through the school, they build on and develop their style and the range of techniques for designing their products starting with simple drawings and labels building up to exploring diagrams and prototypes. Children are given lots of opportunities to explore and practise their skills in our STEAM room, which has a variety of specialist equipment to help develop and improve the children’s skills. At the Leys Primary School we think that evaluating is very important . We believe that it should happen throughout a project, as well as at the end. Children are given opportunities to review and evaluate both their own and peers' work throughout their D&T project. To ensure consistency in teaching across the school, we have developed booklets that allow all areas of the design process to be developed and ensure we have clear progression across the school.


At The Leys Primary school we aim to give children the key skills, strategies and knowledge to help them be able to make functioning products. We strive to develop innovative and creative children that see the world around them and realise that they can make a difference.

Subject Overview

Subject overview 2024 - 2025

Pupil Voice

"We enjoyed learning how to make bread. We enjoyed learning how to knead the bread and how to create cool designs with our knives."

"I enjoyed making shell structures to sell at Enterprise day. We added lids and had to evaluate them and choose the best one to sell."

"I enjoyed making dips. I learnt different ways to chop. My teacher said I could be a professional chef."

"When we made our cushions we learnt how to do a running stitch and cross stitch. I enjoyed using the stuffing to stuff my cushion."

"We love learning how to create different types of food from countries all over the world for our international food fair."

"I enjoyed the fruit salad as I got to eat different foods."

"I liked the challenge of making the chairs as we had to practise lots of times to make it strong enough for teddy."

Useful Websites:
The Design and Technology Association
The content of Food aFact of Life is carefully tailored to the teaching curriculum for 5 to 11 year olds. The site provides interactive projects and information sheets for children to help them discover more about the food they eat and you can download classroom and lesson resources including PowerPoint presentations, posters and activity cards.
Help your child discover.  These websites give ideas for designing and food technology.  Worth having a look at to give ideas to try with pupils and parents!
British Nutrition Foundation.  This site contains a wealth of information to support all aspects of food in school - healthy eating,  information about healthy schools, curriculum advice, case studies and downloadable resources.
The Federation of Bakers, links to QCA Bread Unit

The Leys Primary & Nursery School

Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QZ.
01438 314148

Copyright © 2022 - The Leys Primary & Nursery School
Headteacher:  Mrs D Khangura
Chair of Governors:  Mrs Marina Stone